Meeting Minutes Document Template

Meeting Minutes Document Template
Photo by Campaign Creators / Unsplash

Just finished a call with your team, board meeting, or project? Now need to turn that into a structured Meeting Minutes document? Want to automate it?

Automate it

For many teams now, they use BuildBetter's AI powered Document Generator to go from Call Recording -> Meeting Minutes in minutes.

Basically, it takes a recording, which can be down locally, or automatically with the service, transcribes it, then has custom trained models for this specific document.

It takes it's understand of your company, customer, and the Meeting Minutes document to write human-grade Meeting Minutes document from your calls transcripts.

It's magical, and free for the first 15 hours, check it out @

Want to do it manually?

Meeting minutes are a crucial part of any meeting, as they record the key points discussed, decisions made, and actions to be taken. They serve as a formal record that can be referred back to, ensuring everyone is on the same page and that agreed-upon actions are followed through12345678.Here's a comprehensive outline for creating effective meeting minutes:

  1. Meeting Details: Start by noting the date, time, and location of the meeting.
  2. Attendees: List the names of all attendees, including any guests or observers. Also, note any key individuals who were absent.
  3. Meeting Purpose/Goal: Briefly state the purpose or goal of the meeting.
  4. Agenda Items: For each item on the agenda, summarize the key discussions, decisions made, and next steps. Be sure to note any motions made, who proposed and seconded them, and the outcome of any votes.
  5. Action Items: Clearly list any actions to be taken, who is responsible for each action, and the deadline for completion.
  6. Next Meeting Details: If applicable, provide details of the next meeting, including the date, time, and location.
  7. Additional Notes: Include any other relevant information, such as announcements, points of clarification, or items to be carried forward to the next meeting.
  8. Approval: Finally, the minutes should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate person or committee. Note the date of approval and who approved the minutes3.

Remember, the goal of meeting minutes is to provide a clear and concise record of what was discussed and decided, and what actions need to be taken. They should be accurate, objective, and free of personal bias or opinion.Depending on the nature of the meeting or the organization, some elements may need to be added or modified. For instance, board meeting minutes might include reports from officers or committees, while project meeting minutes might detail progress tracking, project goals, and roadblocks.


Team Meeting Minutes for ABC ProjectMeeting Details

  • Date: February 6, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Location: Conference Room B, ABC Corporation


  • John Doe (Project Manager)
  • Jane Smith (Lead Developer)
  • Alex Johnson (UI/UX Designer)
  • Emily White (Quality Assurance)
  • Guests: None
  • Absent: Michael Brown (Marketing Specialist)

Meeting Purpose/GoalTo review the current status of the ABC project, discuss challenges, and plan for the upcoming sprint.Agenda Items

  1. Project Status Update
    • John Doe provided an overview of the project's progress, highlighting completed milestones and pending tasks.
    • Decisions Made: Agreed to prioritize bug fixes in the next sprint.
    • Next Steps: Jane Smith to allocate resources for bug fixing.
  2. UI/UX Design Review
    • Alex Johnson presented the latest UI/UX updates and gathered feedback.
    • Decisions Made: Approved the proposed design changes for the user dashboard.
    • Next Steps: Alex to implement the changes by February 15, 2024.
  3. Quality Assurance Report
    • Emily White shared the latest QA report, identifying critical bugs and performance issues.
    • Decisions Made: Decided to delay the feature release to address quality concerns.
    • Next Steps: Emily to coordinate with the development team for a focused testing session.

Action Items

  • Jane Smith: Allocate development resources for bug fixing. Due by February 8, 2024.
  • Alex Johnson: Implement approved UI/UX changes. Due by February 15, 2024.
  • Emily White: Coordinate a focused testing session with the development team. Schedule by February 10, 2024.

Next Meeting Details

  • Date: February 20, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: Conference Room B, ABC Corporation

Additional Notes

  • Michael Brown will present the marketing strategy for the project in the next meeting.
  • John Doe emphasized the importance of meeting the revised project timeline to ensure customer satisfaction.


Minutes prepared by: John DoeReviewed and approved by: Jane Smith (Lead Developer)