UX Research Meeting Document Template for User Research

UX Research Meeting Document Template for User Research
Photo by UX Indonesia / Unsplash

Just finished a call with your team, board meeting, or project? Now need to turn that into a structured Meeting Minutes document? Want to automate it?

Automate it

For many teams now, they use BuildBetter's AI powered Document Generator to go from Call Recording -> User Research extractions in minutes.

Basically, it takes a recording, which can be down locally, or automatically with the service, transcribes it, then has custom trained models for this specific document.

It takes it's understand of your company, customer, and the Customer Insight Extraction document to write human-grade documents from your calls transcripts.

It's magical, and free for the first 15 hours, check it out @ BuildBetter.ai

Want to do it manually?

1. Introduction

  • Welcome the participant.
  • Provide a brief overview of the research purpose and process.
  • Obtain consent for recording the session and using the data for analysis purposes.

3. Participant Background

  • Collect basic demographic information.
  • Understand the participant's relationship with the product or service.

4. Product Usage and Behavior

  • Ask about how and why the participant uses the product or service.
  • Explore the participant's habits and routines related to the product.

5. Challenges and Pain Points

  • Identify any difficulties the participant has encountered.
  • Discuss specific instances where the product did not meet their expectations.

6. Feature-Specific Feedback

  • Gather feedback on specific features or aspects of the product.
  • Understand what works well and what needs improvement.

7. Improvement Suggestions

  • Ask the participant for suggestions on how the product could be improved.
  • Explore ideas for new features or enhancements1.

8. Closing

  • Thank the participant for their time and valuable insights.
  • Explain the next steps and how their feedback will be used.

9. Post-Interview Notes

  • Summarize key insights and takeaways from the call.
  • Plan for analyzing the data and integrating feedback into product development4.

This template serves as a guide to ensure that user research calls are structured and focused, allowing researchers to gather valuable insights efficiently. It's important to tailor the questions and focus areas based on the specific goals of the research and the product or service being evaluated.



  • Welcome, Tom. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. We're interested in understanding your experiences with our product to help us improve and innovate.


  • Do we have your permission to record this session for analysis purposes?

Participant Background

  • Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?
  • How long have you been using our product?

Product Usage and Behavior

  • Can you describe how and why you use our product?
  • What are your habits and routines related to our product?

Challenges and Pain Points

  • Have you encountered any difficulties while using our product?
  • Can you share specific instances where the product did not meet your expectations?

Feature-Specific Feedback

  • What are your thoughts on [specific feature] of our product?
  • What aspects of the product do you find most useful, and which areas do you think need improvement?

Improvement Suggestions

  • If you could change one thing about our product, what would it be?
  • Do you have any suggestions for new features or enhancements?


  • Thank you for your time and valuable insights, Tom. Your feedback will be used to help us improve our product. We'll keep you updated on the changes we make based on your suggestions.

Post-Interview Notes

  • [Record key insights and takeaways from the call]
  • [Plan for analyzing the data and integrating feedback into product development]

Remember, this is a general template and should be customized based on the specific goals of your research and the product or service being evaluated.